2010 A Year in Port Polar Bear

Ice Breaker - Sat/Sun August 14/15 2010

We had a great battle this weekend. Sunny and carnage on Saturday, Windy and unseaworthy on Sunday.

The Nagato had a descent premiere, 4 sinks. After working out some kinks the sinks became less and she got better every battle. I guess that's one way to run sea trials...under fire.





I had a blast. Much carnage and balsa destruction. The Marlborough and her captain performed well.
I take great pride that it took 2 NC's and a cruiser to put her down and only because she was pushed over on her starboard side were a 1/2" hole was. Another time I was chased by a 4 ships and didn't put enough damage
to sink her.

Tom, glad you made it up and it was a pleasure to battle with you.

My only problem occurred on the way home. I was rear ended by a 78 year old coot. Her was following to close and the traffic and I stopped. NOt much damage to the car. Just the bumper, but her shifted my boats and the Marlborough took a ram hole from the Wichita. Will be fixed by Springfield.

Hey Bob, did we have a most feared and best of scale this year? Also keep me updated on the trip to Motown.

Thanks everyone that was at the Ice Breaker.
